Saturday 19 March 2011



Be Bold. Tell your story–a promising story. Best if it is a successful story. Encourage somebody. Jump over stereotypes. Implode myths and convention. When you do all that, your destiny will explode. From then on, you are on–in charge of yourself and your future. That is how great people are born. They innovate. They create. They are Bold.

Now, say all that into camera. Lights are on. Sound is rolling. Crew is ready. The guest is seated. Camera ticks. You are actually on camera. Audience are watching. We start in three seconds: Action. Cameras pan and zoom to reveal the beautiful face of a young woman, robbed in fine clothing and oozing tolerable confidence: Christal Jeanne, Host of etv. Ghana’s Be Bold Show–a Business news analysis programme.

Tuesday 15 March 2011



Disability insurer Aflac Inc fired comedian Gilbert Gottfried as the voice of its iconic duck on Monday after a series of Twitter jokes about the earthquake in Japan, the company's most important market.

Since 2000, Gottfried has voiced the duck in the insurer's TV ad campaign in the United States, quacking "Af-LAC!" in the comedian's famously abrasive voice.

Gottfried fired off a dozen jokes on the social media service over the weekend, all riffing in one way or another on the devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunami.

But the company said his comments "were lacking in humor and certainly do not represent the thoughts and feelings of anyone at Aflac."